Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Inside the Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel

There are so many things to see at the Vatican Museum and you need to spend a few days if you really want to see each and every detail.   But when you’re in a group tour, you normally spend only 3 to 4 hours inside the museum and what you’ll see really depends on what the tour guide has chosen to highlight.

This is my second time to visit the Vatican and Sistine Chapel but I barely remember the details. Tsk..tsk...  But I'm thinking maybe it's not really because I am forgetful but rather maybe our tour guide from 4 years ago highlighted different things from what our tour guide highlighted this time. Excuses.. Haha… 

Anyway, sharing with you a few photos – just a few because I couldn’t remember anymore the descriptions of most of the photos I took. Haha...

Overlooking the Vatican Museum grounds

At the center is probably the only modern piece of artwork in the grounds, the tour guide shared.  I wasn’t able to catch though what its significance or who made it. Bad listener. Sorry…

Inside the Vatican Museum grounds

Vatican Museum dome

Emperor Nero's tub

The tour guide pointed to this unique statue with glass eyes.  Looks a bit creepy to me.  It might just suddenly blink. Haha…

Spotted this head sculpture with an interesting facial expression in one of the section entrances.

St Helena's sarcophagus

View from one of the windows 

Some random shots inside the Vatican Museum - 

The corridor leading to the Sistine Chapel is the last area where you can take photos.  Picture-taking isn’t allowed inside the Sistine Chapel.  Breathtaking.  I don't know how many wows I exclaimed.  And my head was tilted the entire time I was walking - good thing I didn't trip!  Haha...

Beautiful spiral staircase at the exit of the Vatican Museum.

View of the dome of the spiral staircase from the ground floor.  I don’t remember seeing this view during my first visit 4 yrs ago.  Good thing I saw some people taking snapshots which made me look up.   Such a beautiful view to end the tour. :)