Sunday, March 4, 2018

Ikigai + How do you spend most of your Waking Hours?

Have you ever heard the word “Ikigai”? It’s a Japanese term which means “a reason for being”.  

I’ve heard about this concept before as one of the secrets to long life among the Japanese but I only understood as a general concept of "the reason for getting up in the morning".  

Apparently, there's a more comprehensive meaning for ikigai.   But before sharing it with you, it’s important first to understand the 4 elements of time - or how we spend most of our waking hours. They are grouped into 4:

1. Doing what we love (personal interests and hobbies).  Or our passion.
2. Doing what we are good at (skills we’re good at).  Or our vocation.
3. Doing what can we be paid for (our jobs).  Or our profession.
4.  Doing what the world needs (charity work or public service).   Or our mission.

Sometimes, what we do is an intersection of 2 or 3 elements and when that happens, they bring various kinds of fulfillment.

If we do something that we love + we’re good at, we’re able to fulfill our passion.

If we do something that we love + the world needs, we’re able to fulfill our mission.

If we do something that we’re good at + that happens to be what we’re paid for, we’re able to fulfill our profession.

If we do something that we’re paid for + that happens to be what the world needs, we’re able to fulfill our vocation.

But what are the challenges when there are overlaps in the elements?

Passion + Mission = there's high fulfillment but it may be difficult to make money.

Mission + Vocation =  there's high fulfillment but there's a low level of confidence coz you’re not really exceptional at what you’re doing.

Vocation + Profession = there could be a good financial security and a high level of confidence coz you’re good at what you’re doing but there’s low fulfillment.

Passion + Profession = there's high fulfillment but in the grand scheme of things, you’re not quite sure if what you’re doing really matters.

What is ikigai? It is when all 4 elements overlap.
You do something that you love + you’re good at + you get paid for + the world needs

But they say it's tough and rare to achieve ikigai so if you're not near to achieving ikigai, it's ok. 
Combining 2 elements is a good start and having 3 is great progress. Some people target vocation + profession coz financial security could give one the flexibility to do mission + vocation later on.  While others target passion + mission and just hope that eventually, financial security comes in.  There's really no specific formula towards ikigai so whatever state you're in, we all have the opportunity to work towards ikigai.  :)