Saturday, October 14, 2017

Simple joys that don't cost anything

A lot of articles and books recommend that you keep a gratitude journal coz it has a lot of benefits like it lowers down stress levels and gives one a greater sense of calm at night.  But I don't keep a gratitude journal because if I do, its content would be a hodgepodge of ordinary things and everyday sights, and I'll most likely write the same things over and over.  πŸ˜‚ 

Here are some of the things that bring me joy and I'm thankful for -  in random order.   And the best part is - most of them don't cost anything.  😜

  • Being able to quickly fall into sleep wherever and whenever e.g. on the plane, in a hotel, in another person's place, in the car (as long as I'm not the driver! πŸ˜‚).
  • Having a restful sleep and being able to sleep straight through the night. πŸ’€
  • Waking up in the morning without a set alarm.  
  • Simply waking up in the morning - realizing I'm still alive!😜 
  • Quality time with family and friends.
  • Having all my 5 senses intact - sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste.  
  • Going home for lunch on a work day (mid-day "me" time!πŸ˜† )
  • Being able to empty a shelf/shelves after decluttering (this means I'm able to live on less). 
  • Quick catch up chats with friends.  I don't see them regularly and some of them are based overseas living in different time zones so it's difficult to catch one other.  But when we do chance upon one another, even just 5 minutes of catch up time brings so much joy.  
  • Seeing or being with babies and/or kids. πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ΆπŸ’–
  • The sight of grandchildren assisting their elders or grandparents. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–
  • The sight of old couples holding hands and laughing together. πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΄πŸ’•
  • Seeing a rainbow.  
  • Being able to empty my email inbox (though this rarely happens!😜)
  • Having quiet time to read a book.
  • Having quiet time to write.
  • Uninterrupted weeknights and weekends. πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š
  • Sitting on my La-Z-boy rocker recliner or any rocking chair.  The rocking motion is therapeutic (translation: lulls you to sleep!πŸ˜‚).
  • Taking a walk at the park.
  • Having siesta after a heavy meal.  πŸ˜‚ 
  • Going back home after a trip (coz I'm excited to hug my pillows and sleep on my real bed). πŸ’€ 
  • Seeing a new plant sprout. 
  • Staying in bed on a rainy day. πŸ’€
  • Enjoying a bowl of soup or cup of tea.
  • Having no meeting appointments on my calendar - this means I can focus on my to-do list.   
  • Cancelled meetings -  it gives newly-freed up time which I could use for something else. 
  • Being able to empty my fridge before a long weekend or a trip so my fridge can also go on vacation. πŸ˜‚ 
  • Watching the sunset.   I love sunsets more than sunrise coz I don't like waking up in the dark and waking up too early.  Haha..
Oh my, I just realized a lot of the random simple joys that popped into my head are sleep-related.  It's a clear sign I am sleep-deprived!  Haha... πŸ˜‚