Sunday, November 1, 2020

Prayer for the Most Neglected Souls

November 1 is All Saints' Day and November 2 is All Souls' Day.  And although we pray for our dearly departed all year-round, let us also find time to pray for those souls who have long been forgotten. 🙏

Here's a short prayer I once found in a prayer book which I saved on my mobile phone and printed out too and keep by the altar for easy access.  It just takes a few seconds to pray but the small deed goes a long way. 

Prayer for the Most Neglected Souls
Jesus, for the sake of the agony that you endured,
during your fear of death,
at the Garden of Gethsamane,
at the Scourging,
at the Crowning with thorns,
on the way to Calvary,
at your Crucifixion and death,
have mercy on the souls in Purgatory,
especially on the souls who are completely forgotten.
Deliver them from their bitter pains,
call them finally to yourself
and embrace them in your arms in Heaven.