Here are some more funny excerpts:
Calvin: When I grow up I want to be an inventor. First I will invent a time machine. Then I'll come back to yesterday.
Calvin: ... and take myself to tomorrow... and skip this dumb assignment.
Calvin is highly creative. Using a box, he makes inventions such as what he calls -
"Transmogrifier" - which supposedly transforms you to whatever you want
"Duplicator" - a machine that duplicates which he improved later on by adding an "ethicator" dial so only the good side of things will be duplicated; and
a Time Machine.
He's pretty imaginative too. When faced with challenges (eg. taking a bath, eating vegetables, doing homeworks, going to school), he sees them as something else like aliens, gigantic insects, etc. He has in fact created several alter egos to deal with these challenges like Tracer Bullet, Spaceman Spiff and Stupendous Man.
Rosalyn (the baby-sitter): Ok, Calvin, you want to play rough, huh?
Calvin: Great moons of Neptune! She must have super powers too!
Rosalyn (the baby-sitter): You've got two seconds to get your caped butt in bed, or I'll put it there for good!
Calvin: Oh no! The evil Amazon is using some psycho-beam to weaken my stupendous will!
That's Calvin as Stupendous Man, when his baby-sitter, Rosalyn, is around.
And here's one time when Calvin and Susie were playing doctor-patient roles- where Calvin was the doctor and Susie was the patient with a foot problem.
Calvin: Your foot hurts? What kind of stupid problem is that?!
Susie: You're the doctor! You're supposed to find out what's wrong with it.
Cavin: It's psychosomatic. You need a lobotomy. I'll get a saw.
Susie: A lobotomy?! That's not what a real doctor would say!
Calvin: Yeah? Who's wearing the stethoscope, you or me? Here's a mallet. Do you want anesthesia?
Susie: Wh - That's to test reflexes! Y-you don't know anything!
<Susie starts to kick Calvin.>
Calvin: Ow! Ow! Quit kicking! See, that's why your dumb foot hurts! Stop it!
Susie: Say it! Say I'm the doctor!
And here's one last funny strip with his teacher, Miss Wormwood.
Ms Wormwood: Ok, you've all read the chapter. So who can tell me what's important about the battle of Lexington? Anyone? Calvin, how about you?
Calvin: Hard to say, Ma'am. I think my cerebellum just fused.
Hahaha..... that line should come in handy someday. Haha...
Hope you had a good laugh!:)
Excerpts are from "The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes" and the Tenth Anniversary Book.