Saturday, June 29, 2019

Wisdom from London Underground Quotes

Have you seen some thought-provoking and insightful quotes written on London Underground's message boards circulating online?  This practice of writing a daily quote started in 2004 in London's Oval station where the customer services manager thought of writing quotes from his favorite book, Tao Te Ching.  

Then something wonderful happened. Commuters started approaching the station's staff to tell them how the quotes inspired them or how the quotes talked to them and helped them get answers to whatever they were going through in life.  Eventually, the other stations picked up the initiative.  

Today, 15 years later, the Oval station and other London Underground stations are able to spread the inspiration and wisdom to the rest of the world via social media.  Isn't just amazing how these quotes which were just meant for the daily commuters of London are also able to impact the lives of people across the globe?     

Sharing with you some quotes I like from recent IG posts:

You cannot suffer the past or future because they do not exist.   
What you are suffering from is your memory and imagination.

We are not given a good or bad life. We are given a life and it's up to us to make it good or bad.

One day you will tell your story of how you've overcome what you're going through now and it will become part of someone else's survival guide.

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. 

I've seen better days but I've also seen worse. 
I don't have everything that I want but I do have all I need.
I wake up with some aches and pains, but I woke up.
My life may not be perfect but I am blessed.

You're not going to master the rest of your life in one day.  Just relax.  
Master the day.  Just keep on doing that every day.

Some of the quotes are funny too. Here are some of them - 

I can't decide if people who wear pajamas in public have given up on life or are living it to the fullest.

I'm in a really good place . . . I don't mean spiritually or anything; I am in bed with cake. 😂