Monday, December 31, 2012

Prayer for the New Year

Here's a beautiful prayer which my Mom and I annually say on the last day of the year.  It's from her prayer book called "My Travel Companion".

O God, our Father, today we are looking back across the year which is now passing from us.  

There is so much for which we need forgiveness.
 For the time we have wasted; for the opportunities we have neglected; for the stress we have given to the wrong things; for all the mistakes we have made.

There is so much for which we ought to give You thanks.
For health and for strength; for protection in the time of danger; for healing in the time of illness; for consolation in the day of sorrow; for daily light and daily encouragement.

Bless those for whom this has been a happy year, make them give thanks to You.  Bless those for whom this has been a sad year, and help them still to face the future with steady eyes.  And help us in the year to come so to live that at the end of it, we shall not only be one year older, but that we shall also be one year nearer You.  Amen.

To a greater year ahead!  Happy New Year!:)

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