Monday, April 18, 2011

Life's worst excuse and why we should stop making excuses

I recently finished reading Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich, and in the last part, it enumerates all the excuses we often make why we’re not able to pursue the things that we want in life – If only we were younger, healthier, have more money,  have more time…all kinds of alibis.  But the book says that the greatest of all “ifs” is -

“If I had the courage to see myself  as I really am, I would find out what is wrong with me, and correct it, then I might have a chance to profit by my mistakes and learn something from the experience of others, for I know that there is something WRONG with me, or I would now be where I WOULD HAVE BEEN if I had spent more time analyzing my weaknesses, and less time building alibis to cover them.”

Nice:)  After reading this, can’t make excuses anymore.  Haha…