Thursday, December 23, 2010

Do you want to give or receive more?

I heard a question recently on TV which goes “Which do you enjoy more – receiving or giving gifts?”  Years ago, hands down, I would say receiving gifts!  It was almost unthinkable  for me that anyone can actually find giving gifts more enjoyable than receiving gifts!  Haha…

But since I’ve embraced the aboriginal saying “The more you know, the less you need” which I came across at Nina Garcia's Little Black Book of Style and some practical reminders from It's All Too Much by Peter Walsh, I realized that I actually have almost everything that I need. Not that I have a lot... but Nina Garcia was right - it's better  to have a few things that you really like over having many stuff that you don't actually use.  So gone are the days when I used to hoard and maintain a lot of things.  For instance, before I used to own more than 20 pairs of shoes, now I only have 6 or 7 pairs but which are really well-used.

So when friends ask me what I want for Christmas, I can’t even suggest what they can get for me.  I appreciate anything that is given to me but I wouldn’t really mind if I don’t get anything either. I remember the first time a friend really forced me to specify what she can get me for Christmas, I asked for these dehumidifier packs sold at the Japan Home Centre for Php88! Haha… 

Recently, a friend asked me what colors of Zara wraps do I have because she was planning to get me one.  Other than I felt it was too much for a gift, I already have 4 and 4 is already more than enough.  In as much as I appreciated the thought, I would rather have her just save money.  Instead, I asked if she can just gift me with one iTunes app for 99 cents!  She ended up defying me and giving me something else but really, a 99-cent app would have given me the same level of delight.

I think the real essence of gift-giving during Christmas is not about giving expensive gifts or trying to give back gifts that match what you received - you know that mentality just because someone gave you an expensive gift, you need to give back an equally expensive gift.  In fact,  you're not even obliged to give back just because someone gave you a gift.  

Christmas is not even about giving material gifts.  I think it’s simply remembering loved ones and friends during this special season. It doesn’t really matter if you could afford a gift that costs 50 pesos or 500 doesn't even matter if you can't afford to give any.  Any thought or deed that is given with sincerity is much more meaningful and goes a long way.   The only exemption is when you're a kid because you really wish to get lots of gifts!  Haha....  :)