Thursday, June 17, 2010

Choosing travel and experiences over material things

Recently, something made me ponder why most girls are typically into bags and shoes, and I’m into traveling (and ok, books and food too! Haha...).

Tracing it back, I used to have a different outlook towards travel.  Like most people, I used to prefer something tangible over travel.  When I would make travel plans that would require xx budget for instance, a voice inside my head would say - shouldn’t I just stay in Manila and spend that money to shop for clothes, bag, shoes, a gadget…?  And at that time, I either ended up canceling travel plans or if I did push through with it, I would scrimp on expenses.

But later on, I realized that the true essence of traveling is not just about discovering and learning, but creating memories as well - memories with my family, with my friends, and my own.... memories that I can cherish and always look back to.  Memories which I can never create no matter how many clothes, bags and pairs of shoes I own!:)  You outgrow bags and shoes in a year or two, but you can never outgrow memories. :)   Besides, to create memories, you don't really need to spend much or travel far and away.  

So that in a nutshell, is why I gush over activities and experiences and not some it bag. Intangible vs tangible? No contest. :)