Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why we need to pray for the Souls in Purgatory

I grew up developing a devotion for the poor souls in purgatory because ever since I was a kid, praying for them was part of our regular family prayers.  When my dad passed away more than 10 years ago, I started adding a special prayer for him so there’s not a single day that I don’t think about him.  In fact, I also visit the cemetery frequently  - let me see … during New Year, my parents’ wedding anniv, Valentine’s, Father’s day, his bday, his death anniv, All Saint’s Day, my bday, Christmas and sometimes in between special occasions.  Nine times a year at the least ! More frequent than my movie trips. Haha…

Anyway, last year, when I accompanied my mom to Libreria de San Pablo, I bought a booklet entitled “Devotion to the Holy Souls in Purgatory”.   Other than prayers, it also contained excerpts from an interview with Maria Simma, a simple peasant from Sonntag, Austria who has been visited by poor souls in purgatory starting in 1940 when she was 40 yrs old.  (She passed away in 2004 at the age of 89.)

Here are some enlightening truths about death, purgatory and the poor souls from the interview with Maria Simma:
  • “The souls in Purgatory see very well the day of their funeral.  They know those who are praying for them and those who don’t.  Tears of their loved ones do not help them.  What helps them is prayer.  They complain that many of those who attend their burial do not pray for them.”
  • “The souls in Purgatory cannot do anything for themselves.  If the living do not pray for them, they are altogether helpless.  That is why it is important to utilize the immense, unbelievable power that we have in our hands to help set free the suffering souls… This is one of the most beautiful ways to exercise our charity.” 
  • “To light a candle for the souls is an act of love that gives moral  help to the souls; candles are blest and they cast aside darkness where the souls are.”
  • “The souls we have helped will in turn be grateful to us.  May we be aware that the souls help us, know our needs, and obtain graces for us.”
Sharing with you the daily prayer I say for them.  It only takes a few minutes.
1 Lord’s Prayer,  1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory Be
Eternal rest grant unto them,  O Lord.  And let perpetual light shine upon them.  May they rest in peace. Amen.

And here’s a nice prayer for the Most Neglected Souls which I got from the “Devotions to the Holy Souls in Purgatory” booklet:

Jesus, for the sake of the agony that you endured during your fear of death at the Garden of Gethsemane, at the Scourging, at the Crowning with thorns, on the way to the Calvary, at your crucifixion and death, have mercy on the souls in Purgatory, especially on the souls who are completely forgotten.  Deliver them from their bitter pains, call them finally to yourself and embrace them in your arms in Heaven. Amen.

I was so engrossed by the excerpts of Maria Simma’s interview that I searched for the book containing the full interview entitled “Get us out of Here”.  It isn’t available locally but you can order it via      I gave a copy to my mom as a gift but of course, I’m borrowing it. Haha… Will share more next time. :)