Monday, September 29, 2008

Wine-tasting in Napa Valley & Sonoma

While in San Francisco, you could spend a day and join a wine-tasting tour in Napa Valley and Sonoma.

We were able to visit 3 wineries - Madonna Estate, Viansa and Cline - some of their wines are award-winning (but couldn't remember which ones! haha...). 

We sampled several varieties - Zinfandel, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon - but it's so funny, I couldn't distinguish one from another! I better stick to just drinking dessert wine. Haha...  Plus, I can't really remember the names anyway. Haha...

A tip I learned about wine storage from the tour is to never store wine upright. The wine has to come in contact with the cork to regulate the air flow. If it doesn't come in contact with the cork for long time, too much air will flow in and out, making your wine taste flat. Chardonnay, however, has to be stored upright.  See, I was listening during the tour.  Hehe....
During the wine tour, they also served cheese.  I enjoyed tasting all kinds of cheese. Yum!

We also stopped over the Sonoma county for lunch. It's a quaint village of houses with white picket fences and neatly-manicured lawns. 

Since we had a 2-hour lunch break, we had enough time to visit the county's historical sites.

 The photo below used to be a barrack but it looks more like Zorro's home to me. haha...).

As soon as we boarded the tour bus heading back to San Francisco, I dozed off! I was so drowsy from the wine-drinking.   Haha... I only woke up when I heard the announcement that we had to get off the bus. Wahaha...